Short Films (3)

Film: The Southern Bell
Bora Bora Films
No MPAA rating
Runtime: 10 minutes
Director: Patrick Biesemans
It's only ten minutes in length, but The Southern Bell could have run much longer, as it deserved much more time than it got in this on-edge and pronouncedly dramatic short film where a cab driver and an attorney share stories about their broken lives and the women responsible.

Call it a blurring of the lines between payback and horror, but as a way to occupy ten minutes of your life, you could do much worse!

Film: Super Spree
Drewstone Productions
No MPAA rating
Runtime: 16 minutes
Director: Matt Post
Part of the fun of movies is seeing how a character handles stress...or not handle it!

Billy, a guy struggling to keep a positive attitude in the supermarket where he works, goes up against boyish butchers, mouthy cashiers, and a lazy boss in THE WORST managed grocery store in movie history. Watch Super Spree and see how he does.

Film: The End
In Association with Sherpa Pictures
No MPAA Rating
Runtime: 9:46
Director: Cam McHarg
Sometimes (as fate would have it) our own wallowing in self-pity isn’t as off-base as we are led to believe. 

That is what this intensely dark, humorous, and graphically impressive short film by Cameron McHarg called The End is all about. 
