A+ (4 stars) = Recommended. Immaculate, excellent, a must-see.
Movies of this caliber are rare, being masterfully done and as close as is possible to "flawless."
A- = Recommended.
A great, well-done movie that you should definitely see. Maybe it wasn't genre-redefining material. Maybe it wasn't oscar-winning, but it was superb nonetheless.
B+ (3 1/2 stars) = Recommended.
Aside from a few flaws, it's pretty good and worth seeing.
B- (3 stars) = Decent.
Maybe it'll float your boat and maybe it won't. Just depends on your taste.
C+ (2 1/2 stars) = Decent.
Average with a few good attributes. You won't hate it, but don't expect it to be particularly memorable.
C- (2 stars) = Hopelessly average.
No real redeeming qualities about it. An almost - if not complete - waste of time.
D+ (1 1/2 stars) = Viewer beware!
Pretty bad and certainly less than average. Will leave a bad taste in your mouth when you leave the theatre.
D- (1 star) = Viewer beware!
Pretty bad and then some! You've seen worse movies, but not that many.
F (0 stars) = Awful, a complete flop, a failure in it's genre and every other area as well.
A torturous and horrible film that is sure to make you regret seeing it. Viewer beware!!! A movie with this rating is almost guaranteed to rape your soul!
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